Alpine Christian school

regular REGISTRATION DAY - friday, august 02 (8:00 am - 12:00 aM)

Come and don't miss the opportunity to register your child. If you want to know more information, please read the information below.




NEW STUDENT: If you are a new student and want to be part of our school, please follow the following steps:
1. Complete the inquiry form that you can find in the following LINK.

Inquiry Form and New Student

2. Come to our school and contact our treasurer to make registration fee and tuition agreements

3. Finally, go to the school director to access the registration platform and complete the enrollment student forms.




1. Check your personal email, there you will find an email with the name "AE Connect".

2. Review the username and password that you must enter when you click on the blue access button.



3. Enter the username and password in the access portal.



4. Click on the "Enrollment Checklist" tab



5. Fill out each of the forms that appear in this section.



Once you have finished filling out the forms, just close the tab.



If you have any problem with access to the platform or you have not received the access link to the platform, please come and contact the school principal to check what happening.



to keep in mind


1 - 2024-2025 Alpine Christian School Tuition Information: Find out what the costs are for registration fee and tuition for year 24-25. Click on the following link, read the cost circular carefully and if you wish, you can print the payment agreement document, fill it out and bring it ready on the day of registration.

Registration Fee and Tuition (click here)


2- Tuition assistance: If you need financial assistance, click on the following link, and carefully read all the requirements to obtain financial assistance. If you have already read the document and want to fill out the form to obtain financial assistance, click on the second link, download the form, fill it out and bring it previously completed on registration day.

Tuition Assistance Process (click here)

Tuition Assistance Application (click here)


NOTE: If you do not have a way to download and print the different forms, you can come to the school and ask for the financial forms for the registration of the 24-25 year.

Important: Keep in mind that if you are going to make a payment in advance that day, the treasury will only receive payment in checks or money orders. NO CASH WILL BE RECEIVED. Make the necessary arrangements.

If you would like more information from the treasury, please contact


about us

At Alpine Christian School, we are more than just an educational institution; we are a family united by our commitment to nurturing the mind, body, and spirit of every student. Our mission is "the redemption of each student through their development of a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ". Our vision is "to provide academic excellence with a Christ-centered focus developing physical, mental, and spiritual powers; to prepare students for the joy of service in this world and in the kingdom of Heaven".

As Seventh-day Adventists, we hold dear the belief that each individual is a unique creation of God, endowed with talents and potential waiting to be unlocked. Our dedicated faculty and staff are passionate about helping students discover their God-given gifts and empowering them to become compassionate, responsible, and purpose-driven leaders in a diverse and ever-changing world.

In our safe and nurturing environment, students not only excel academically but also have the opportunity to grow spiritually. We encourage daily worship, Bible study, and a commitment to moral and ethical values that shape character and guide choices. Our faith is at the core of everything we do, and it serves as a compass for our students' lives.

Beyond the classroom, Alpine Christian School offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, service opportunities, and a vibrant sense of community. We believe in fostering a sense of belonging and encouraging students to explore their interests, whether in sports, music, art, or community service.

We invite you to explore our website and discover more about Alpine Christian School, its programs, and the warm and welcoming community that makes us truly unique. If you're seeking a place where education, faith, and community come together to create a well-rounded and fulfilling educational experience, Alpine Christian School is the place for you.

Come and be part of a school where excellence in education is complemented by a strong foundation in Christian values. Join us at Alpine Christian School in Rockford, Illinois, and let your journey towards a brighter future begin.





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